Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Final Timeline

This is a Timeline for the final plot idea for our group opening title sequence. It shows when things will be shot and where each slate will be on the sequence. This will help us to be more organized when we come to film it, that way we can look at the timeline and see what shot is next, when and for how long. Alex provided some examples for me so that I could present the timeline a bit better.

Monday, November 26, 2012


We have three films that have influenced our group film idea: Taken, Colombiana, and Salt.

Taken is the first influence to our group film plot. This is because in the first part of Taken there are a group of bad men that take the two girls that are on vacation to Paris (a big City). The Dad of one of the daughters hunts them down and kills the bad men. This relates to our film plot because there are a group of men that are telling a man to do something that he doesn't want to do. Also the main character is hunting down a man, similar to the daughter’s father in Taken.


Colombiana is all about revenge, we see Colombiana’s parents get killed by a large group of bad men. Because of this we see Colombia want revenge on the people that killed her parents, therefore she hunts them down. The influence that this film had on our plot is that it is one person hunting people down. This create adrenaline and tension, making is a very good thriller. We also had an influence from this film because Colombiana’s uncle is very protective, just like our main character is with his son.


Another influence to our plot is the Thriller film Salt. This is because in this film Salt is trained to be a secret spy by a man in Russia. She is then expected to kill thousands of people. She is given the task and is expected to complete the task. However, she does not want to do this, and in the process her husband is murdered and she has to leave her normal life. This has influenced our plot because the main character is expected to murder a man he doesn't even know, just because he has been chosen to do the job, similar to Salt, also he has to leave his family at home.

Iconic Directors

Iconic directors was a fun task that we did as a group together. Alex, Nicole and myself all met up and researched directors of large films. This gave us some detailed information about some directors, which will be helpful in the future. We decided on drawing a simple drawing of what our directors look like then put them on wooden sticks, we then spoke the research that we found out about each dirtector.

Red Carpet Productions Logo Analysis

Here is the idea and analysis behind our logo for 'Red Carpet Productions'

Dexter Edit

Here is our Dexter Edit, we were only able to film half of it as the tape corrupted. We managed to film the kitchen routine scene which we were overall very happy with. We learnt a lot form this experience like lighting, camera angels, positioning and general camera work. Our skills using the camera have developed a lot since this shot.

Week 4 Update

Here is our update from Week 4

Week 3 Update Video

Friday, November 23, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Film Brainstorm- Motive- By Nicole Burrows

This is now a brainstorm of our previous idea, this is because we had to change the plot to make it more of a Crime/Action Thriller and make it more believable. Consequently, we will need to re-do this brainstorm to match the final plot.

Thriller Expectations- Vox Pop By Nicole Burrows

I picked three people that would have different opinions on thrillers due to age, gender and different interests. This allowed my results to show a wide range of different opinions on what is expected from thrillers.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Scene timeline

This is a rough outline of what we plan to film for our opening title sequence.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Notes taken from the trip to London

We took these notes when Alex and myself (Ellie) went to London with the media class and spent a few hours in a theatre. We met a well known director and also gained a lot of inspiration and new skills that may be useful to us in the future for our opening title sequence. Therefore taking the notes will be very helpful.

Group Pitch - Final

Taken- By Nicole Burrows

Nicole- Taken

Monday, November 12, 2012

Inception - Ellie

Inception is aimed at both women and men because there is a slight love story within the story itself, this then draws the attention of women more. It is aimed at men because their is excitement and action going on in the film to keep the attention, and keeps them engaged. Also the thriller is quite complicated, it is psychological, the audience have to work it out, therefore it is aimed at the older ages such as 18-30 year olds. 

Inception is rated 12a it includes some violence and moderate language, therefore is aimed at the higher age. 

12A12ACinema only. Introduced in 2002.
Films under this category are considered to be unsuitable for very young people. Those aged under 12 years are only admitted if accompanied by an adult, aged at least 18 years, at all times during the motion picture. However, it is generally not recommended that children under 12 years should watch the film. Films under this category can contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, moderate swear words, infrequent strong language and moderate violence, sex references and nudity. Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Sexual violence may be implied or briefly indicated.

Limitless Thriller - Alex

The target audience for limitless is very mized due to the gact there is a mixture of adion, crime suspense love and much more. Male and female viewers could both find aspects of the film to relate to. Age wise if may vary from 18 upwards again due to the wise viewer attraction.

Interest's may vary due to the wise audience type. Although the viewer must have some openess to a sci-fi style as it involves a new medical drug. interest in that will make the viewer more interested.

Limitless is a 15, it contains a constant drug theme with strong league, sex scenes, violence and crime. Limitless has quite a varied amount of factors to make it a 15, although none of these factors are intense nor un-easy to watch. That is why this film is only a 15 and not an 18.
Nobody younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, frequent strong language and limited use of very strong language, strong violence and strong sex references, and nudity without graphic detail. Sexual activity may be portrayed but without any strong detail. Sexual violence may be shown if discreet and justified by context.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Group Pitch

PITCH - 'Obsession- action and physcological Thriller.
Title- Obsession
Plot- Nicholas a man who lives in london originally from france is tracking a 17 year old girl called Nicholas. The girl's father works for the government in London. Her father organized an operation to capture and torture Nicholas's brother .( As he was proven to be murdering children in parts of europe such as germany and france.) This man' son was killed and he believed it was Melissa's father who worked in the government who murdered him however it was because Nicholas's son committed suicide due to rather being dead then being put into prison. As a form of revenge this man is hunting down Melissa and is planning on killing her. The story is about Nicholas hunting Melissa down and having to become close to her and her relatives so that he can abduct her. However he becomes attracted to Melissa but he still wants to kill her to get Justice for his brothers death. This leaves him obsessed by her in a deadly and emotional way.

Influenced by-Pierre morel as the film has a similar story-line to Taken.

Enigma Code- Will Nicholas kill Melissa

Fit the sub- genre- Crime as weapons are used in the thriller and its an action film as it involves interrogation scenes and abduction.

How does it appeal to the audience- Even though the audience will automatically take a distaste to Nicholas for wanting to kill Melissa . They will be intrigued into knowing if Nicholas has a dark relationship with Melissa. They will also find it thrilling to found out if he will kill her too. Also at the beginning of the film he will find her, and how he manages to get close to her family and her in order to abduct her.


This trailer has a smilar storyline to in 'Obsession'  Where the daughter has been captured. Howvwer Taken 2 links to 'obsession' in alot more detail as the daughter wants to be taken by some men out of revenge and seeking justice due to Kims dad killing them. This links with our thriller as Melllisa's Dad was believed by Nicholas to of killed his son so he wants to capture Mellisa to seek revenge and justice.
Key Events 
  • Nicholas's brothers death- leads to accusation that Melissa's father killed him.
  • Hunting Melissa- researching into  her, who she is.
  • Becoming   emotionally close to Mellisa - subconsciusly threatening him to change his mind on killing her.
Locations - London- Dark streets - Alley's, Inside Nicholas home, house's of parliament.


 The character of Kim in Taken/ Taken 2 is the daughter of a man who used to work for the goverment. Similary in our Thriller opening- Obsession,  the character of Mellisa has a Dad  that works for the goverment. Therefroe these two chaarcters are similar and have similar roles in the thriller as the girl who needs to protecting and is in potential danger.

Bryan plays the character of the Dad who used to work for the goverment. In 'obsession' Mellisa's Dad works for the goverment. This helps give an indication of what Mellisa's dad will look like and how he is as an character.


George is the charcter that murders Suzie in Lovely Bones. He first researches her and finds out baout her in order to accomplish his task of trapping her, raping and brutally murdering her. There is also the sense of George being sexually attracted to Suzie but still wanting to kill her.Similary in 'obsession' Mellisa is being researched into a targeted by Nicholas. Nicholas has a similar role to Goerge in 'the lovely bones' as he is attracted to her but still wants to kill her.
Pin Board, photographs, Maps, form of weaponry- rope, gun. 

Instant ideas for the title sequence.

Take off shoe lace- make radius around map of where she is- in that circle create a credit.
Pin a place on the map- near Melissa's face- credit comes up. 


Monday, November 5, 2012

Preliminary Task

 For the preliminary task we had to shoot an interrogation scene including various shot types including reverse on reverse shot, match on action and varied angled shots.

Shot List:

Shot 1 - Long shot - Match on action
Shot 2 - Close up - Match on actionShot 
3 - Wide shot - High AngleShot 
4 - Mid shotShot
5 - Close up - Match on actionShot 
6 - Mid shot - Match on actionShot
7 - Medium Close upShot 
8 - Extreme close upShot
9 - Wide shot - low angleShot
10 - Medium long shotShot 
11 - Medium close upShot 
12 - Close up

Script Used:

Evidence Of Editing:




Final Cut:

Evaluation of Task: