Friday, February 15, 2013

CONSTRUCTION- All of the Foley in a Timeline

Unfortunley the video accidentally goes on for 5 minutes- Once the sounds have finsihed then the Foley Sounds Timeline has ended.

CONSTRUCTION- Transferring and editing Foley sounds onto Final Cut Pro 10

This is fnal Cut Pro 10 . Here I  have edted the foley sounds nto the film. Firstly, the long green track is the sound track i then put below it two foley sounds. I have to ensure the foley sounds are in sync with the shot to make it look beleivable. Additionally, the foley sound has to blend into the soundtrack well. For example, if there is a loud part on the soundtrsck the foley sound will have to be louder to ensure that it is heard and vice versa with the soundttrack being quiet. These were a few factors i had to constantly consider.

This image shows the black line in the green box being moved down to 13db. This was done to make the sound effect of footsteps more quiet as the victim was walkng from a long shot angle with the shot that this foley sound is synched with. Therefore, the decibels would have to be lowered in order for the shot to look realistic.


This image shows the layering of foley sounds. In certain shots mroe than one foley sound was required. For example for the  London scenes had to overlay a variety of different sounds due to there being so many different sound effects that would be happening in London at one time. For example, the image above shows me overlaying the sound effects as there would have to be 'wind' /people talking' 'traffic' /vehicles' driving past 'sirens' all at the same time. It is important all these sound are used to make the opeining realistic and set a standard for the rest of the supposed film.


'Motive' Rough Cut

Thursday, February 14, 2013

CONSTRUCTION- Downloading specific Foley Sounds

I got most of my Foley sounds from youtube, due to to that website having the largest range of sound effects that i could find.  For example, the sound effect of an escalator i could only find on youtube. I then downloaded the youtube clip to my memory stick.

I also got sounds from sound bible too. However, these sounds were more basic and i could only find a limited amount of sounds from there for example, cop siren noise.

The sounds i choose had to be specific towards the thriller opening and had to be realistic. For example,  footsteps. Both main characters in the thriller opening were walking on concrete in London. therefore I therefore i had to find not only footsteps but footsteps that sounded like they were walking on concrete. This was where youtube was useful as there is a large range of sound effects available on there that covered 'footsteps on concrete.'

Additionally, the vehicle the assassin drove was a mini cooper. Therefore i had to find and research what the engine of a mini-cooper sounded like and on youtube and find the correct sound effect. It was important i used the sound of the engine of a mini cooper as otherwise it would not be realistic.
This was me picking a sound effect of the mini cooper engine sound effect on youtube.

This is me downoading and converting that sound effect on youtube mp3 converter



This is me downloading music from sound bible for example- the sound of the car beeping.

Composing the Soundtrack - Garageband

This is a screen shot of the two soundtracks merged together. I have controlled the volume and pitch of the tracks so that they go together nicely and build the tension that is intended.

Producing the Soundtrack

These are screen shots of the ideas and soundtracks I was trying to find that were 'Royalty Free' / Copyright free music. After I had found a couple of soundtracks I took ideas from them and also downloaded the ones I liked to see what one was my favourite. Some of them did not create tension or create the affect we are aiming for, therefore I made sure that I didn't use this track to get ideas from.
I made sure that the soundtracks I was getting ideas from were copyright free from because I planned to use parts of some of the tracks to build the suspense in the sequence. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Roto-Scoping : After Effects Title Work

I ran into a problem on one of my last titles, in the fact I wanted part of the clip to overlay the text. As you'll see from the two frames below, the moment Ricky stepped infront of the text the white overlay would affect his face and it looked unnatural  I wanted to leave the text on the brick yet have ricky walk past it without the two clips affecting each other.

So I first duplicated the base layer with Ricky walking, then carefully I made a basic RotoScope of him and then going by frame by frame of the clip I touched it up and made sure the mask fitted properly.

Once completed I applied the RotoScope to composition and I was able to have Ricky walking past the text without being effected by the white overlay making the text look like it is in fact on the wall.

CONSTRUCTION- Extended- Foley Sounds in detail

Here I have looked at the two minute edit of our thriller opening and  I have wrote down the sounds in chronological order and have said how long each sound is on for and the time it is on, on the clip. For example on a two,minute long video I have the sound of footsteps on

This is a photo of me noting  down the sounds in chronological order from our two minute edit.


Phone vibrates on table ringtone 2 seconds 0.1-0.2
Phone hitting desk 0.5 seconds 0.9
Cupboard opening 1 second 0.11
Zipping up jacket 1.5-2 seconds 0.14-0.16
House Door closing 0.5 seconds 0.27

Pressing on car key 0.5 seconds 0.28
Car mini sound when car is unlocking 1 second 0.29
Car door opening 1 second 0.30-0.31
Exhaust pipe 1 second 0.34
Car accelerating forward 1.5 seconds 0.35
Inside car noise of car driving background noise 0.36-0.37
Noise of handbrake 1 second 0.41
Cars and bike slowing at traffic lights 2second 0.42-0.435
Car engine slowing at brick wall 1 second 0.44

Train across the bridge 1.5-2 seconds 0.47-0.49
Walking down stairs into tube 2 seconds 0.50-0.52
Walking down more stairs 0.53-0.54
Train underground 0.56-0.57
Footsteps 1.03-1.04
Escalator sound 1.04-1.05
Footsteps 1.07 -1.12
Background noise -cars,nature 1.13-1.175
Footsteps 1.19-1.20-1.2
Background noise- people and cars 1.24-1.26,
Background noise -cars 1.27-1.30

 Footsteps -1.31-1.33
Footsteps 1.35-1.37
Impact of coat on chair 1.41
Footsteps on carpet 1.415-1.43
Sitting on chair 1.45
Footsteps on carpet 1.59-2.02
Footsteps on carpet 2.08

Creating Titles : 3D Tracking

One of the final tasks of the edit was to create the titles, we decided to use Adobe After Effects. 

To start off I went through our final 2 minutes rough cut to find the clips that titles could be applied to (keeping in mind some of the pan shots were done primarily for motion tracking). Once happy with the clip I exported it from final cut pro into After Effects.

Once the clip was in After Effects, I created a new composition and started the 3D Camera Track tool and left it to Analyse the clip, depending on the complexity of the camera work would reflect the time needed.

I was then presented with all trackable points, then it was just a case of finding the right one and applying a text layer to it.

Once the text was placed I then edited its dimensions and made it look realistic with the 3D space tools

Then to add depth I added a drop shadow.

Once happy with the text and shadow I just played around with positioning until I was finally happy with my finished title.

3D Text For Movie Title

The Motion Tracking and titling of our opening is nearly complete but to make the movie title stand out more we decide to make 'Motive' 3D with a chrome Gloss Effects.

I first modeled the text in Cinema 4D

I then added material effects to the text to give it a chrome glossy look.

Finally I added an array of lights in various positions to give the text depth and the ultimate 3D look.

I then Rendered out into Photoshop for final touching up.

Once I was happy with the text, I then dropped it into After Effects to create the final title. I added various flares and pre-keyed optical flares, once timed and tracked I was able to use them as a transition into the text.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2 Minute Cut

Here is out 2 minute cut of 'Motive', we are very happy with the outcome and are now working on Sound, Foley and Titles.

Update After Filming

Deciding and organising segments of the editing that we as a group can do indivudally.
Alex- Titles- animation
Nicole- Foley Sounds- time segments for each sound.
Ellie- sound track and edititng onto garage band then onto film.