Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Group Pitch

PITCH - 'Obsession- action and physcological Thriller.
Title- Obsession
Plot- Nicholas a man who lives in london originally from france is tracking a 17 year old girl called Nicholas. The girl's father works for the government in London. Her father organized an operation to capture and torture Nicholas's brother .( As he was proven to be murdering children in parts of europe such as germany and france.) This man' son was killed and he believed it was Melissa's father who worked in the government who murdered him however it was because Nicholas's son committed suicide due to rather being dead then being put into prison. As a form of revenge this man is hunting down Melissa and is planning on killing her. The story is about Nicholas hunting Melissa down and having to become close to her and her relatives so that he can abduct her. However he becomes attracted to Melissa but he still wants to kill her to get Justice for his brothers death. This leaves him obsessed by her in a deadly and emotional way.

Influenced by-Pierre morel as the film has a similar story-line to Taken.

Enigma Code- Will Nicholas kill Melissa

Fit the sub- genre- Crime as weapons are used in the thriller and its an action film as it involves interrogation scenes and abduction.

How does it appeal to the audience- Even though the audience will automatically take a distaste to Nicholas for wanting to kill Melissa . They will be intrigued into knowing if Nicholas has a dark relationship with Melissa. They will also find it thrilling to found out if he will kill her too. Also at the beginning of the film he will find her, and how he manages to get close to her family and her in order to abduct her.


This trailer has a smilar storyline to in 'Obsession'  Where the daughter has been captured. Howvwer Taken 2 links to 'obsession' in alot more detail as the daughter wants to be taken by some men out of revenge and seeking justice due to Kims dad killing them. This links with our thriller as Melllisa's Dad was believed by Nicholas to of killed his son so he wants to capture Mellisa to seek revenge and justice.
Key Events 
  • Nicholas's brothers death- leads to accusation that Melissa's father killed him.
  • Hunting Melissa- researching into  her, who she is.
  • Becoming   emotionally close to Mellisa - subconsciusly threatening him to change his mind on killing her.
Locations - London- Dark streets - Alley's, Inside Nicholas home, house's of parliament.


 The character of Kim in Taken/ Taken 2 is the daughter of a man who used to work for the goverment. Similary in our Thriller opening- Obsession,  the character of Mellisa has a Dad  that works for the goverment. Therefroe these two chaarcters are similar and have similar roles in the thriller as the girl who needs to protecting and is in potential danger.

Bryan plays the character of the Dad who used to work for the goverment. In 'obsession' Mellisa's Dad works for the goverment. This helps give an indication of what Mellisa's dad will look like and how he is as an character.


George is the charcter that murders Suzie in Lovely Bones. He first researches her and finds out baout her in order to accomplish his task of trapping her, raping and brutally murdering her. There is also the sense of George being sexually attracted to Suzie but still wanting to kill her.Similary in 'obsession' Mellisa is being researched into a targeted by Nicholas. Nicholas has a similar role to Goerge in 'the lovely bones' as he is attracted to her but still wants to kill her.
Pin Board, photographs, Maps, form of weaponry- rope, gun. 

Instant ideas for the title sequence.

Take off shoe lace- make radius around map of where she is- in that circle create a credit.
Pin a place on the map- near Melissa's face- credit comes up. 


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