Friday, February 15, 2013

CONSTRUCTION- Transferring and editing Foley sounds onto Final Cut Pro 10

This is fnal Cut Pro 10 . Here I  have edted the foley sounds nto the film. Firstly, the long green track is the sound track i then put below it two foley sounds. I have to ensure the foley sounds are in sync with the shot to make it look beleivable. Additionally, the foley sound has to blend into the soundtrack well. For example, if there is a loud part on the soundtrsck the foley sound will have to be louder to ensure that it is heard and vice versa with the soundttrack being quiet. These were a few factors i had to constantly consider.

This image shows the black line in the green box being moved down to 13db. This was done to make the sound effect of footsteps more quiet as the victim was walkng from a long shot angle with the shot that this foley sound is synched with. Therefore, the decibels would have to be lowered in order for the shot to look realistic.


This image shows the layering of foley sounds. In certain shots mroe than one foley sound was required. For example for the  London scenes had to overlay a variety of different sounds due to there being so many different sound effects that would be happening in London at one time. For example, the image above shows me overlaying the sound effects as there would have to be 'wind' /people talking' 'traffic' /vehicles' driving past 'sirens' all at the same time. It is important all these sound are used to make the opeining realistic and set a standard for the rest of the supposed film.


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